This site is NOT about XXX rated pictures, sex, smut, pornography, adult videos, wife swapping, group sex, etc. If that is what you are looking for, the please visit the following FREE, classy, well run swingers site, with NO popups:
NUDISTS.ORG IS about nude recreation, nude beaches, nude sunbathing, topless and topfree recreation, and NUDE PROTESTING! We believe strongly in First Amendment rights to ptotest and to effect change in laws and government, and this site is our 'freedom of the press' means to do just that.
WARNING: We will not attempt to 'candy-coat' our views for freedom for the nudist/naturist movement. You may well find that some ideas presented here are controversial and perhaps offensive, (especially if you are of an anti-nudity mindset). You do not have to agree with everything to support the cause. We are, however, fighting for YOUR rights to be able to choose nude recreation as well as our own.
FURTHER WARNING: This site is copyrighted and it is a violation of Federal Law to copy, use, distribute, or reproduce in any form, including electronic, any portionof the material presented here without the written permission of the publisher. Any violation will be prosecuted to the fullest extent, particularly if you are a member of: a church or religious organization; a member of any law enforcement agency or organization; a member of any political (even slightly right-wing) organization; any member of a judicial office; any member of a state, local or county government agency; or anyone who knows anyone in any of the above.!
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